screenshot of new mybranch pointing to where to find new features for favorites

myBRANCH was updated on August 27 – it has a new, modern, easier-to-use interface and has up-to-date security to back it up! Our favorite review described the new layout by saying “it’s like putting on glasses”!

Another exciting feature of myBRANCH is your ability to set “Favorites” so that the accounts you want to see most are your default landing page.

Under the “Settings” menu, you’ll find an “Accounts” section. From there you can select your “Favorite” accounts.  These favorites will be ready and open at the top of your screen as soon as you log in to myBRANCH!  And the account you set as your top Favorite will be the default account viewed in the “recent transactions” section on your landing page. Convenience that’s easy to access, and easy to see, all inside the new myBRANCH.

If you need assistance customizing YOUR myBRANCH, just give us a call at 423-336-7268 and we’ll be happy to help.