Bowater Credit Union Member John Corum has won a $1,000 Pay It Forward prize for this favorite non-profit doing good in the five counties eligible for credit union membership, Family Resource Agency.
Bowater Credit Union has asked its members to nominate their favorite non-profit helping people in the counties eligible for credit union membership: Bradley, McMinn, Meigs, Monroe, and Polk. Up to five $1,000 prizes are awarded each year, and Family Resource Agency is the first winner of 2020.
“Family Resource Agency … has been serving the community for 48 years. Its programs include Head Start/Early Head Start/Pre-K and the Family Violence Program, a program for victims of domestic and sexual violence,” wrote Corum, who serves on the volunteer Board of Directors for Family Resource Agency. “As soon as I became a board member, I quickly realized the employees were dedicated to its mission, understood their impact on the community, and were willing to go above and beyond to provide services for those who need it most.”
To learn more about Family Resource Agency and to make your own donation, visit
The Pay It Forward program will continue in 2020, and that means any member of Bowater Credit Union can nominate their favorite non-profit for a $1,000 Pay It Forward prize. Up to five prizes will be given out in 2020, and the deadline to be considered for the next prize is November 30, 2020.
Bowater Credit Union began the Pay It Forward program in 2010 as a way to give back to the community it serves. Since the program’s inception, Bowater CU has given $46,000 to various charities making a difference in our community. For more information, visit our Pay It Forward information page

Pictured left to right: John Corum, Bowater CU Member and FRA Board Member; Matt Holden, CEO Bowater Credit Union; Angie Benefield, Family Violence Program Director; Catherine Rice, Executive Asst to the CEO, FRA; Paula Bacon, CEO FRA