
Personal Account Line (PAL)

Access your accounts by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

PAL (a.k.a. Personal Account Line) allows you to check balances, hear cleared and pending items, make transfers and more over the phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  This service is free for any Credit Union member, you just need your member number to get started!

The PAL phone number is:

or 800-951-8996

To quickly navigate through PAL’s prompts, use these options

  • Main Menu:
    • 1 – Quick Check (fast access to your Primary Savings and Checking Account)
    • 2 – Account Information
    • 3 – Financial transactions (to make a transfer)
    • 4 – Change your PIN
    • Enter your Savings Account Number, followed by #
    • Enter your PIN, followed by # (when you first call PAL, this will be the last four digits of the Primary Owner’s SSN)