E-statements are better for you
You’ll get your statement on the first or second day of the month, instead of eight or nine days later. Plus you’ll have the added security of knowing that only you can log into the secure site to view your statement – instead of leaving a paper statement sitting in your unguarded mailbox.
E-Statements are good for the entire membership
Making your E-Statement available on a secure site is less expensive than mailing a statement. That means every member who signs up for e-statements saves the credit union money. Since we’re not-for-profit, those savings go directly back to the membership in the form of lower fees and better rates on savings and loans.
Sign up today and enjoy speed, security, and savings!
E-statements are free for any member! Sign up through myBRANCH. Click here to see a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for E-Statements in myBRANCH.